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Google Tag Manager: Don’t Repeat Yourself Conversion Tracking
If you are working with an e-commerce website, 5 to 10 e-commerce conversion pixels are quite common …

The current state of ad viewability
A recent Google report highlights poor viewability of digital ads and offers some interesting …

How Looker is unlocking Business Intelligence using YAML
Recently I discovered Looker, a relatively new Business Intelligence (BI) platform which utilises a …

Why software engineers will be best marketing technologist in a digital world
Recently Clive Sirkin, the chief marketing officer of Kimberly-Clark suggested that best marketer in …

Google Tag Manager: Visitor UUID Cookie Setter Tag
Sometime you want to generate UUID for visitors on your web property and set UUID as cookie. I want …

Jsonnet: A data templating language from Google
Jsonnet is a new domain specific configuration language from Google which allows you to define data …

Google Tag Manager: Lookup table and DRY Principle
By default Google Tag Manager (GTM) provides several handy macros and lookup table macro is one of …

Google Tag Manager: How it works
In simple words, a Google Tag Manager (GTM) container holds other tags. GTM container is also know …

Google Tag Manager: Ecommerce Integration
Believe it or not, on average an US ecommerce website has between 15-20 marketing tags. Implementing …