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Microservice architecture of Meta

Microservice architecture of Meta

Microservices have become the dominant architectural paradigm for building large-scale distributed …

Modelling data flows as graphs to apply user privacy constraint

Modelling data flows as graphs to apply user privacy constraint

Personal data processing forms the backbone of many big tech service providers. Tech giants like …

Kernel of a good strategy - Why, How and What

Kernel of a good strategy - Why, How and What

Having a well-defined strategy is crucial for success of a modern business. A good strategy should …

Pre-Deployment Policy Compliance

Pre-Deployment Policy Compliance

The ability to deploy applications quickly and efficiently is crucial for organizations. Agile …

Sufficiently Advanced Monitoring is Indistinguishable from Testing

Sufficiently Advanced Monitoring is Indistinguishable from Testing

In digital landscape user experience is paramount and organisations must ensure their applications …

Data Pipelines: The Hammer for Every Nail

Data Pipelines: The Hammer for Every Nail

For big data and complex data processing, data pipelines have emerged as a popular solution for …

Using Inversion as a Mental Model for Product Management

Using Inversion as a Mental Model for Product Management

Ability to think critically and anticipate potential problems is essential for success for product …

Roles vs Jobs

Roles vs Jobs

It seriously turns me off when organisations are unable to differentiate between a role and a job. …

Continuous Delivery of Games

Continuous Delivery of Games

What can we learn from Cyberpunk 2077’s disastrous launch? Cyberpunk 2077 was extensively advertised …