Abhishek Tiwari

How to PageSpeed with Apache

This is a quick rundown on how to install, configure and tune the PageSpeed on Ubuntu with Apache as web server. Installing First get the appropriate mod_pagespeed (64-bit or 32-bit version) .DEB package for your Ubuntu server. wget https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/linux/...


Web Components: Web's Polymer Future

Recently I have been playing with Web Components (WC). W3C specification drafts describe Web Components as the component model for the web [1]. This component model consists of five new constructs: HTML Templates, Decorators, Custom Elements, Shadow DOM and HTML Imports. These constructs will be...

Big Data

Building Distributed Systems with Mesos

Apache Mesos is a popular open source cluster manager which enables building resource-efficient distributed systems. Mesos provides efficient dynamic resources isolation and sharing across multiple distributed applications such as Hadoop, Spark, Memcache, MySQL etc on a dynamic shared pool of resources nodes. This means with...