Can machine learning-based data structures i.e. learned data structures replace traditional data structures? This is a question recently asked and explored by a team of Google researchers led by Jeff Dean with a major focus on database indexes. Jeff is a Google Senior Fellow...
The idea of Bloom Filter was conceived by Burton H. Bloom in 1970. In a nutshell, Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure normally used to check for set membership (i.e. Is element x in set S?). Bloom filter offers incredible memory and...
Computer science is full of complex hard-to-understand algorithms. Understandability of an algorithm - ability to explain an algorithm in simple terms - is generally under appreciated. Often poor understandability of an algorithm has a direct impact on practical real-world applications. In my opinion, if we...
Solely inspired by Atbrox's list of academic papers for Mapreduce & Hadoop Algorithms. Unlike computer science where applications of Mapreduce/Hadoop are very much diversified, most of published implementations in bioinformatics are still focused on the analysis and/or assembly of biological sequences....
The Bloom filter was originally developed by Burton H. Bloom back in the seventies and for long time it was there without any major application. Google is credited for making Bloom filter popular again. Only after the Google used Bloom filters for their BigTable database...