Solely inspired by Atbrox's list of academic papers for Mapreduce & Hadoop Algorithms. Unlike computer science where applications of Mapreduce/Hadoop are very much diversified, most of published implementations in bioinformatics are still focused on the analysis and/or assembly of biological sequences....
The Bloom filter was originally developed by Burton H. Bloom back in the seventies and for long time it was there without any major application. Google is credited for making Bloom filter popular again. Only after the Google used Bloom filters for their BigTable database...
I often screen papers for my reading list based on their illustration appeal. I know this may be bit strange for the people who judge the papers simply based on their abstracts or conclusion section. But trust me it works because I know what I...
Information visualization is in the core of bioinformatics, and over the time variety of interesting information visualization approaches have been developed to visualize the different type of biological information. This post is specifically targeted on circular/radial visualization in biological domain.
Circular visualization techniques provide...