
Upcoming of the learned data structures

Upcoming of the learned data structures

Can machine learning-based data structures i.e. learned data structures replace traditional data …

Bloom Filters: Is element x in set S?

Bloom Filters: Is element x in set S?

The idea of Bloom Filter was conceived by Burton H. Bloom in 1970. In a nutshell, Bloom filter is a …

The Raft of the Understandability

The Raft of the Understandability

Computer science is full of complex hard-to-understand algorithms. Understandability of an algorithm …

Mapreduce and Hadoop Algorithms in Bioinformatics Papers

Mapreduce and Hadoop Algorithms in Bioinformatics Papers

Solely inspired by Atbrox’s list of academic papers for Mapreduce & Hadoop Algorithms. …

Bloom filters for bioinformatics

Bloom filters for bioinformatics

The Bloom filter was originally developed by Burton H. Bloom back in the seventies and for long time …