
Mapreduce and Hadoop Algorithms in Bioinformatics Papers

Mapreduce and Hadoop Algorithms in Bioinformatics Papers

Solely inspired by Atbrox’s list of academic papers for Mapreduce & Hadoop Algorithms. …

Bloom filters for bioinformatics

Bloom filters for bioinformatics

The Bloom filter was originally developed by Burton H. Bloom back in the seventies and for long time …

Put some breathe life in your papers with clever visualization

Put some breathe life in your papers with clever visualization

I often screen papers for my reading list based on their illustration appeal. I know this may be bit …

Circular/Radial Visualizations in Bioinformatics

Circular/Radial Visualizations in Bioinformatics

Information visualization is in the core of bioinformatics, and over the time variety of interesting …